Sunday, April 7, 2013

Donating to Occupy Monsanto of Monterey

                   Thinking about donating to Occupy Monsanto of Monterey? Not sure about it yet? Consider this:

                    When you donate to Occupy Monsanto of Monterey you are donating to a group of local activists who will use the money locally to make change on a local level. Just think, if you were to donate to a bigger global or national organization such as Greenpeace or NPR the money will go through a long complicated bureaucratic process, then when the money gets filter through all of the operating costs and employment cost there will be hardly any funds left for the cause you meant the money to go to. OMM isn't a bureaucracy; we are a grassroots group of committed activist who volunteer our own time because we want to see change today, not in 20 years.
              Let's face it 20 buck to Greenpeace might as well be 20 cents, whereas donating even just a couple of dollars to OMM will have a huge impact and make it possible for us to create fliers, signs, props and other important items used for rallies. If we can spend less time worrying about how we are going to pay for our materials, we can have more time for thinking creatively and we will thus be more efficient.
                    Safety Net
                    OMM also hopes to be more aggressive than other Occupy movements. Your donation will ensure a safety net so we are able to take more risk during campaigns and protests. If we for example form a human chain around a Monsanto building and one of our protesters gets arrested we may have to pay for a bail for them. Even with non-violent direct action demonstrations these things happen and we need to be prepared for it. We would also like to hire a lawyer so we can fully know our rights and limitations.
                    Don't believe in the power of protest? OMM will do more than just protest. We will work with the local government and businesses to install real change. Essentially, with enough funding we hope to be able to lobby and run campaigns for a Monterey government that supports reform of the food system.  
Your gift can change the food system.

Thank you,
Mark Sarchet


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