Thursday, April 4, 2013

Seminis Inc. and Beyond

           On April 22nd at 11AM a group of Monterey activists will bring signs and rally outside of the Seminis office at 590 Brunken Avenue, Salinas, CA. (!/events/678269218869390/) Going after Seminis Inc., the subsidiary of Monsanto, is a step in the right direction but not the solution. Yet it plays an important role in our effort to voice our concerns and spread awareness about genetically modified foods. Spreading awareness is the most fundamental aspect of any movement, so the quote from Mao, "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun," should instead be "political power grows out of a word and is realized through the barrel of a gun." When people begin to say out loud, "I do not want to eat genetically modified food" things will begin to change. Yes we are telling it to Monsanto employees and Seminis employees, "We don't want your products!" and we should tell it to everyone: our friends and co-workers, our moms, our aunts, our doctors, teachers, preachers, life guards, bus drivers, foot massager-s, the FDA, the USA, Russian friends and foreign exchange students! Yes absolutely everyone. Indiscriminately inform and openly discuss to everyone - that's the foundation of Occupy Monsanto of Monterey and every other movement ever tried by mankind. In a word - Speak up! Say something about it! Go to your window and yell "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not eating GMO's!"
                       But that's not all, holding a sign and spreading awareness is just the beginning. Occupy Monsanto of Monterey is an aggressive (yet non-violent) political movement. We will push the envelope to the brim. We will have extreme and radical campaigns against biotech. Holding a sign is important but further actions are necessary. Direct action demonstrations will be used routinely as part of our strategy to hurt biotech companies and implement municipal laws against them. We will take inspiration from other movements such as the Tar Sands Blockade, Sea Shepard, even Earth First and the Animal Liberation Front. There will be many extreme legal strategies used and discussed in the process of ridding Monterey county of GMOs.
                       After Seminis Inc. we will target the city of Monterey and protest for legislative reform on a local level. Salinas is one of the Most important agriculture areas in the country, and Monterey bay has one of the most important and delicate ecosystems in the country. These areas need to be protected from the ever reaching grip of Monsanto and other biotech companies. Particularly, GM pollen drift poses a real risk for the Monterey area. Monterey county is currently not a non-GMO area and our local government hasn't made progressive efforts to do so and thus the responsibility falls on the people. We will lobby and protest Monterey to make it a non-GMO area.
                      Other goals include working with local grocery stores, schools, and other places of business to carry more non-GMO alteratives: for example try finding Nature's Path Organics or Dr. Bronner's soaps in a Target in Salinas - not possible. We will work to change that. Also we will do aggressive campaigns against Fast Food chains. Perhaps we will have rallies in which we have giant pictures of CAFOs or Feed lots in front of a McDonald's or such place to provide transparency to consumers.
                       There's a lot coming and a solution is being found. Occupy Monsanto of Monterey wants to solve the problems that face our food system and not just talk about them. We want action now! Transparency, liberty, and pure natural food are rights we believe all people should have. Join us today to help resolve these issues and change the world.
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Tell a friend about us,
Tell your mom about us!

Please donate to the cause! All funds will be use solely on Occupy Monsanto of Monterey!

Mark Sarchet


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